Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Top 3 Cars: Best Deals for Cash for Clunkers

As per my research the best deals for the cars for Cash for Clunkers are:

1. Nissan Altima Hybrid:
Reason: All discounts apply. Purchasers can use up to 5 discounts.
Price is less than 20K which is excellent for it's size.
600 miles on a tankful of gas so you will save money and time filling up gas tanks.

2. Toyota Prius:
Reason: Gas Mileage. You may save as much on Gas payments at the pump as your monthly loan payment particularly if you commute a lot for your work.

3. Honda Civic Hybrid:
Same reasons as above for Toyota Prius. Only reason it's no. 3 on list is it's smaller than other cars.

1 comment:

  1. great info..i better start studying about cars specially i am planning to buy a car

    sell cars for cash
